World Tamer porn xxx game download cover

World Tamer

Game Description:

Fresh out of college, you decide to return to your birth town – the place you once fled. Now you’re back to uncover what your parents did to you and what secrets lie around. Explore the town, uncover its past, and meet countless personalities, each with their own unique story.​

Saves before v0.3.0 won’t work properly.

  • Extract and run.
New Content:
  • Lisa: Pregnancy Event,
  • Emily: New Love Event,
  • Rose: New Love Event,
  • Story: 3 New Quest Events,
  • Astra: Welcome Home Event + Pregnancy Event,
  • Naomi: Pregnancy Event,
  • UI: Added main girl's heads on the map,
  • UI: Added a "jump to bedroom" button,
  • Help: Added UI explanation to the pause menu.
Various Bug Fixes and Changes:
  • Bug: Fixed and added a few missing profile outfit images,
  • Fix: Fixed a few typos,
  • Added: Added a crystal cheat.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.69 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Gallery Code: contract