Total Maidness! porn xxx game download cover

Total Maidness!

Game Description:

The protagonist’s mother died when he was young, and he’s been on bad terms with his father for the past few years, living in a flat away from the home he grew up in. Since finishing school two years ago, he’s been idling away at a boring, poorly-paid office job and at home playing video games, not expecting much from life… However, shortly after his 21st birthday, his father passes away… and the protagonist inherits his father’s wealth, including his mansion… and the maids maintaining it!
Can you get them all to like you and recognize you as their master, make them happy and create your own, personal maid harem, unlocking their hearts and all the lewd, uncensored images and animations?​

  • Extract and run.
Main changes:
  • NEW FFM SCENE: Double kitty service in the dungeon! You can now let both kitties lick you clean... (REQ: Iris unlocked for dungeon and Jenna joined mansion) (5 new anims, 19 new images)
  • NEW GxG SANDBOX OPTION: Kate x Jen dungeon: You can now ask them to scissor. (REQ: Jen joined mansion, GxG content enabled) (4 new anims, 5 new images)
  • Cindy + Abby FFM addition: Added alternate 'Give Abby special treatment' finish option.
  • NEW CINDY SANDBOX OPTIONS: New foreplay option and new finish option.
  • Kate + Iris FFM improvement: Made scene more interactive.
Other improvements:
  • Headpatting Kate now gives one affection point per daytime.
  • Headpatting Jenna now gives one affection point per daytime.
  • Hugging Mary in her room in the evening (after her chapter 2 story) now gives one affection point per day.
  • Reduced Affection requirements for the Emily + Iris and Kate + Iris FFM scenes.
  • Added a few MC thoughts to some of the Crystal memory scenes, to give the scenes a little bit more context.
  • Made the femdom portion of Leyla's first relationship scene avoidable.
  • Made most of the first Kate dream (which is femdom) skippable on its first play, so you don't have to watch it to unlock the dungeon.
  • Several bugfixes and other improvements.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 860.12 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).