Time Shifter porn xxx game download cover

Time Shifter

Game Description:

Many people say that time can’t be returned, you had so many opportunities to change your life,
you didn’t take advantage of them. Now you are surrounded by an endless gray routine.
But your life will change after fate itself gives you another chance, you will move into the past to change your present!

  • Extract the achive.
  • Open the html file with your browser.
Side Quests • Added a new Side Quest: "Mistress and Slave" in the Your Bedroom. This Side Quest will be available after you complete Violet's Side Questline. Sex Scenes • Added 1 new sex scene with Violet Baker. Enhanced Content • Added 2 erotic dreams with Rose Anderson to the "Start Dreaming" enhanced action. • Added 1 new sex scene with Violet Baker to the "Start Dreaming" enhanced action. Interface • Added 3 new backgrounds for the start menu. Cheat Codes • Added 1 new cheat code. Bug Fixes • Fixed critical bug with hidden ui bar after loading a game save. • Fixed bug with Go to Bed action. • Various minor bug fixes.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 961.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide




- download attachment
- unzip it
- paste the html file in your game directory
- start your game with this one


- stat cheats mechanic has been changed (codes are no more needed)
- solved cafeteria level up bug when spend time with Rebecca and Amelia
- taboo section partially updated
- school test cheats