The Realm of Lucira porn xxx game download cover

The Realm of Lucira

Game Description:

“Who will you be? The mysterious figure, not from this world? The savage mercenary with a grueling past? Or the back alley slut every citizen dumps their load into? The Realm is an interactive experience, where you choose who you want to be, male or female, and your choices shape your character. You wake up in a cave, with almost nothing but the clothes on your back (or in some cases, naked ofc), and a background to your name. From there on out, the world is yours, seize it! Will you settle down in the cave and explore every nook and cranny of the world? or perhaps settle down in the city, with a cute elf at your side? Or maybe get captured by a fertile goblin tribe, and slurp on goblin dick for the rest of your life? Or perhaps… none if it matters in the end, for the darkness stirs in the north, and the whispers of doom grow stronger…”​

* Special Note: The game is only supported for chrome-based browsers, and might be unstable on firefox or opera.

  • Extract and open with chrome-based browsers.
- Dynamic Character Prototype - Added Dark Skin Option. - Note: Not entirely satisfied with it myself, please give feedback. - Added a Backside, showing the back of your character. - Shows ass-size as it changes. - Shows boob-size as it changes. - Changed Blonde hair. - Note: Thought the old Blonde option was more yellow than blonde. Feedback is appreciated. - Changed Lower body half to not cut off the right foot. - Known Issue: There’s a small cut on the backview, I’m looking into it, but discovered it a bit too late in the process. - Combat Balance and Update - Added the ability to examine your foe in-combat. This is affected by some traits. - You will no longer be able to see the exact health, mana or energy of your foe, unless you possess traits that relay this information. - Combat should now be much more punishing, if you play a weak background. - Lust Overhaul: - You can no longer defeat or be defeated by teasing alone. - Instead a foe or you will enter a Lustful Frenzy once lust is maxed out. - Event Update - Plains of Westdale - Added a new event involving some hidden treasure. - Added a new event involving some centaurs and their ‘cattle’. - Dark Forest - Added a new event involving a burning bush, with a tasty reward. - Added a new event involving some nasty goblins. - Crater of Corruption - Added a new event involving some nasty imps. - Added a new event involving a dark demon. - Scene Framework - Added a scene framework, to try my hand at adding some scenes to the various instances of sex. However, due to some Twine-functionality not working like I expected it to, I will be needing some more time to do this properly. - Supports different backgrounds etc. - Scene Additions: - You can find a lot of the scenes in the folders. - Bug-fixes and typos - Fixed some typos in sex text and combat text. - Fixed not being able to complete Forest exploration (Banoreen Altar not registering). - Fixed Virginity staying intact during some penetration. - Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes would ignore running out of mana. - Fixed a bug where enemies sometimes would get ridiculous crits one-shotting the player if they had less than 200 health. - Fixed a bug where taunts and idles would sometimes just break out of nowhere. - Lore Update - Added the book “The Old Whispers of The South” to the bookcase. - Added the book “Crazy Cavern Tales #4” to the bookcase. - Added the book “Nancy’s Guide to Noble Etiquette” to the bookcase. - Added the book “Bastian’s Bestiary: On Chorts” to the bookcase. - Contributions - By snowspider: - Added two quick-sell features to merchants, to sell items that you have more than one of. (Weapons, Wearables) - Added a forge to Housing Upgrades. - Requires to be constructed first. - Smelts ores into bars, with timber as a cost. - Special Note: I will balance the forge based on community-feedback. - Fixed Flask (Corrupted Soul) not being added again properly after examining it. - Fixed Lisas Quests not showing. - Fixed the CC being broken and traits updating incorrectly.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 122.9 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).