The Lust Hero porn xxx game download cover

The Lust Hero

Game Description:

Professor D. Range, the supervillain mastermind, manages to escape from his confinement, the maximum security prison where he was taken after his last defeat.

He is hell-bent on revenge. The Order of Purity, a group of superheroes seeking to eradicate crime and imprison everyone who opposes the current goverment of Righteous City, are his main target. In order to face them, he has to find allies and reform his legendary team of misfits, the Scavengers.

On his journey, the genius but a bit absentminded protagonist has to face lustful and often hilarious events to reach his goal and to discover that nothing is as it seems to be…​

  • Extract to desired location.
  • Click on "TheLastHero.exe" to start playing.
Gameplay New questline: The secret of the church (starts at the church by clicking on the double door at the back) Content Beatrice - Ph level : 4 1 new transition scene (home)
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.15 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide



- Rename downloaded file to zz_TLH_MOD_jsbb.rpy
- Put file in "game" directory
- Click on JSBB on the bottom right of the game GUI to access the cheat menu
or use 'x' button


- Add Money / Items / Parts
- Unlock Research
- Enable Rollback and Console