Syrup Town porn xxx game download cover

Syrup Town

Game Description:

Syrup Town is a game inspired by comfy titles built off of an upgraded engine I use for my other games such as Hentai University. You’ve won a free home in an idyllic town populated by animal folk, but really you’re here to spread your human pheromones around the town and trigger a breeding season! Make friends, find cool collectables, and have sex with as many lust-addled villagers as possible!
The game includes both male and female villagers, however characters with and without dicks can be disabled from the very start for a completely meat-free or sausage-fest experience.
This game focuses on anthro and furry characters, but has a non-furry version you can download or toggle if you’re playing online which replaces the art with non-furry shortstacks. Please note this is purely a cosmetic change for people who dislike looking at furry art.

  • Extract from .rar file.
  • Run the included index.html file with your browser, preferably firefox/chrome.
  • OR (to download & play on android)
  • Download the .apk file.
  • Move to the downloaded file's location.
  • Install the .apk file, choosing "install from unknown sources" if necessary.
  • Run the installed Syrup Town app.
  • OR (online play)
  • Use the online link
  • Play
The first non-furry version is officially released!
  • All costumes and expressions
  • Logbook images
  • Gathering encounter images
  • Random encounter images
  • Pog coins
  • Magazines
  • Angelica's scenes
  • Bluebell's scenes
  • Cayenne's scenes
  • Fox twins scenes
  • Sorbet's scenes
  • And Riley's scenes
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 3.16 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Cheat Codes:

Gameplay cheats:

  • cash money - Infinite money

  • even the funko pops - Unlocks all collectables

  • passion for fashion - Unlocks all player clothing

  • free the fur - Unlocks all NPC costumes

  • note taker - Unlocks all logbook entries, including for characters not yet fully added to the game.

  • jiggly bits - Swaps between masculine and feminine upper bodies

  • sex em up - Switches the genitals of Angelica, Cayenne, and Bluebell

  • vegetarian - Disables characters with penises (meat-free experience)

  • carnivore - Disables characters without penises (game becomes a sausage fest)

  • pool noodle - Unlocks all scenes in the gallery

  • new name - Allows changing any character's name


  • oowoo - Makes the game unpwayabwe UwU

  • I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker - Replaces portrait and dialogue with Eggman's from the snapcube real time dub series

  • FUCKING PRONOUNS - Removes all pronouns from dialogue and text

References to other games which unlock clothes/jiggies:

  • human alteration app

  • rainy dayz

  • princess quest

  • hentai university

  • bitch medicenter

  • argent science