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Synthetic Lover

Game Description:

In the year of 2066, biologically engineered humanoids known as ‘biots’ make up a large percentage of the workforce.
The protagonist of Synthetic Lover is one such biot and, like the rest of his colleagues, he lives to serve a single purpose – to fulfil his pre-programmed vocation. In his case, that’s to be a companion in an adult entertainment center known as Dollhouse. Biots are servants who exist as lifeless dolls until being activated upon request, their self-awareness is sealed off by design, taking with it their ability to think or feel of their own free will… That’s how the protagonist’s days go until the chance appearance of an opportunistic thief with a mysterious device in his possession…

Synthetic Lover is a Sci-Fi story about an individual who, unwillingly, finds out what it’s like to be human, to deal with hardships, overwhelming emotions, anxious thoughts, difficult situations and decisions and the imperfectness of life. It’s a journey of discovery, finding connection with others, fostering friendships, attempting to remain aware and mindful in the face of adversity and, ultimately, finding love.

  • Extract the 'Synthetic Lover [Final] [Irlana] WIN/' archive.
  • Play by running the 'SyntheticLover.exe' executable.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.04 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Official Choice guide: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP