Succulence porn xxx game download cover


Game Description:

You play as a strict female teacher, who finds a portal to a different world, and discovers a shocking fact about her origin. Will she keep living her life peacefully, or will she drown in her carnal desires? That will be for a player to decide.​

  • RTP verson or non-RTP version? RTP is the game with the runtime package included to run it. No RTP is the game without it and requires the VX Ace RTP to be installed to run the game. If you have it installed, then you can use the No RTP link for a smaller download.
The name might be confusing, so to clarify, it contains: Succulence Final Version[1.4.3] + Anniversary Edition Special[Ver.2.5] The special is available at the TV in Serena's house. Special Changelog: - More freedom of movement - Two branching paths - Save points - New Classroom event - New outdoors event - Expanded dialogue in some events - Various interactions when talking to(some) NPC's - New Pool event - New ending - Extra CG's added to events from previous version of the Special Changes between 2.4 and 2.5 are fixes to old bugs in the recollection room and when sanity reaches 0. A lot of the additions are mechanical and miscellaneous, with the purpose of making the special more than just one cutscene, so it's not that much overall. Still, I hope you'll enjoy the new events, since they are the final events added to this game. I don't have any plans to do these specials annually, so this was a one-time thing :) After the public release of the special edition the work on the sequel will resume immediately, with polls and previews of the progress that's been done. If everything goes well, new version of Succulence 2 will be done in the second half of November.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.19 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Main Quest Walkthrough: FILEKNOT - MEGA