Strive: Conquest porn xxx game download cover

Strive: Conquest

Game Description:

A tech demo of sequel for Strive for Power. This game represents core changes and mechanics of the second game, but does not represent main gameplay focus or content and should be treated as rough ideas.

A New Game is STRONGLY recommended as of v0.3.2

  • Extract and run.
Added exploration mechanic to dungeons Dungeons now use stamina system which is restored every day Dungeon deletion now only occurs after everyone has been removed from there First Fighters quest is now designed as a dungeon instead of being an encounter Dungeon events are now protected by challenges Dungeon chests are more often have no locks on them now Old recruitment/capture events now swapped to challenges Some new events were added Treasure chests now drop more materials Added a bit more flavor text scenes to the transition of act 2 and some optional flavor content tied to it Dungeons are now activated via purchasable/foundable items Added new character rule: Forbid Masturbation Added alphabetical sort to inventory for materials Added alternative personalities (emotions) to portraits for unique characters Changed Cali and Zephyra height from petite to short Stamina in sex minigame has been renamed to Tolerance Reputation required to start election quest is down to 300 from 500 Reputation to initiate Servants guild letter before elections is down to 200 from 300 Added reputation display to notice board Added a separate message to indicate when chest had no lock on it Non-hard start now allows to pick one of three workshops to start with Changed some of menial class bonuses Multiple fixes in ingame changelog
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.16 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide




just go to saveeditor and load save, press ctrl + F and search for master_bedroom and increase level then type luxury room and increase level then type in rooms":5 and search and then increase 5 to 9999 and you get 5000 space in mansion.

click save and name it some random name, do not overwrite your current save

just name it bootymansionempire or some shit and then drag it over to appdata/Roaming/Strive for power 2 save folder

after loading edited save file, just save again to overwrite so picture of your character appears over the save.

Enjoy!! your new Harem of Hoes n Bitches ;););)