Story of Ivy porn xxx game download cover

Story of Ivy

Game Description:

This is the story of Ivy.
Ivy, an unassuming and introverted 18-year-old girl, has recently graduated from high school and has to deal with the harsh world, her dorky cousin, and other, rather magical things. It’s a wild story with everything the author can think of and render (and honestly, the latter is the deciding factor here).​

  • Extract and run.
- Fixed out-of-bounds text on beach tanning scene - [N] Beach can no longer be left in a bikini - [N] Beach changeroom can no longer be left naked - Slight redesign of Magicworld Forest section next to the cave - Reworked normal world clothing store -> Scenes have been adjusted accordingly -> Added additional discount fondling scene - Reworked equipment change (or more: introduced) -> Added checks for equipment change -> Different outfit parts can now be applied individually - Added Townhall Job -> Added EV: TH-Job-Encounter-1 (Chance based) -> Added EV: TH-Job-Encounter-2 (Chance based) - Added Computer Repair -> Jeff now has a unique sprite -> Added Computer Store (Uptown, Backalley) -> Added Buying capabilities for Sex Store (Uptown, Backalley) -> Added EV: Plug-S Insertion (Fail, Normal, ease) -> Added EV: Plug-M Insertion (Fail, Normal, ease) -> Added EV: Plug-L Insertion (Fail, Normal, ease) -> Added EV: Plug-XL Insertion (Fail, Normal, ease) -> Added EV: Jeff Blackmail (Penis Touching) - Added EV: Stuck-in-wall - Changed Recollection room layout -> Added hidden "unlock all" switch - Added EV: Something-To-Drink-In-Park -> Added EV: Toilet-Pee-Standing - Recreated robe asset
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.15 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).