St Lascivia: Academy of Magic porn xxx game download cover

St Lascivia: Academy of Magic

Game Description:

You play as a genius demonologist Hector van Carnie. Problem is, you don’t remember anything about your life and how you ended up at the Academy…

Everyone claims that you’re a teacher here, a demonic threat defense specialist. What’s more, you have passed an Angelic Truth Detector test with flying colors and proven that you’re not only well-versed in the subject, you’re also an experienced practitioner! You’re capable of spearheading Astral raids, standing your ground against creatures of the Abyss, holding off breaches form the Elemental Planes, and, of course, neutralizing the Demonic Threat.

However, your Intuition tells you it’s no coincidence. All your paperwork is in order, and the Academy’s department of Demonology needs a new teacher! It has to be part of some bigger picture… Right? Although you must admit, the students at the Academy are very pretty. So, it’s up to you to turn Saint Letitia Academy of Magiс into Saint Lascivia Academy of Lust!

  • Just extract, run and have fun
  • Lore and global events of the world’s history have been worked out in more detail. All of it corresponds to the "cyberpunk fantasy" setting now.
  • 99% of the backgrounds were redesigned from scratch - all except one assistive image. We added complementary backgrounds in some locations. For example, a view of Hector's desk, or the audience in which the lecture is taking place.
  • Models of many characters were updated. Some of them were completely modified. And, of course, we added new CG illustrations.
  • We updated all the texts that are already in the game. Some of them have been substantially changed or even rewritten from scratch.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 198.4 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).