Spooky Pregnant School: The Conception porn xxx game download cover

Spooky Pregnant School: The Conception

Game Description:

Jinguu Gakuen, an elite girls-only school in a town giving home to many important Japanese figures.
Asada Shin, our protagonist, was appointed here as a new teacher by his own former teacher and now headmaster of this school, Nijou Shizue. Something is wrong with Jinguu Gakuen and she wants him to help, without telling him what the problem is.
He starts his duty as a teacher and days go by without incident, until one day, his students suddenly change and try to rape him!
While he tries to resist, his consciousness became clouded and he temporarily gives in to the girls’ desire. He finally comes to his sense, escapes, to run around the school with other girls who were able to retain their sanity, until they too finally yield to their lust. He is saved from his predicament by Nijou Shizue and Hazama Eri, the school’s nun, who put the girls’ frenzy to sleep with a spell.

  • Extract and run 冥刻学園受胎編.exe in Data folder using Locale Emulator.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.38 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).