Salting the Earth porn xxx game download cover

Salting the Earth

Game Description:

Roo Cherriwati has it all planned out…

She hopes to start anew in another city, earn a lot money and surround herself with long-lasting friends. Who knows? Among those unfamiliar faces could be a woman she will fall in love with.

Alright. So she didn’t plan to be late on her first day, nor did she plan to plummet down a building into the arms of a tall and enigmatic stranger. And what if her job isn’t what she signed up for either? She definitely shouldn’t cross her boss but her curiosity is piqued: This building full of history doesn’t have anything hidden in its darkest depths, surely?

Perhaps, she hasn’t got it all planned out. Not in the slightest.

A visual slice-of-life romance about building trust, settling differences and a Nymph protagonist pining for muscular women.

  • Download and extract
  • Download Fix and extract to root
  • Overwrite when asked
  • Play
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 246.83 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide