Quantum Suicide porn xxx game download cover

Quantum Suicide

Game Description:

Quantum Suicide is a game of betrayal, deception and romance in the cold depths of space.​

  • Extract and run.
Here are the changes in the most recent patch: - Bidding Wars has been re-vamped! I am pretty sure it is now working well (as in logically) as well as opening all timeline sections, however, I did have to make over 400 images (which is why this took so long) - and so if I have added something wrong *shakes angry fist at maths*, please tell me and I will replace that score board ASAP! :D - MORE VA!! (So close to being finished!) To give you an idea, I am now waiting on only about 100 more VA lines (out of 20,000) and then each line should be complete! I do apologies for the occasional awkward silence, but I do hope they are far and between and don't ruin your experience! :D - Achievement should be opening now in game, if not, please let me know as I can only test on my side . . . and I know it sometimes lies to me :p - Computer menu returning to game rather than Deletion Game menu is now fixed! :D Please make sure you are updating your game :) For some people it isn't automatically updating (T . T) To be sure, please exit Steam and then reopen - if it has a patch, it will tell you :D On to other news: I am currently working on making extended endings for the romance endings as well as a better and more thorough explanation for and hope to have these patched in ASAP!! In order to do so, I have started a Patreon to help fund the small bits and pieces I need (such as VA and translations)~ Patreon Also, we have a discord channel if you wanted to join us! Become ONE OF US, ONE OF US! Discord Channel Oh! Oh! And before I forget, if you have enjoyed the game, please leave a review! I know it takes time and effort but I would reeeeeeaaally appreciate it <3 Legit, it will make my day! :D Well, that is all from me at this point!! I will continue to work on the up and coming improvements!!
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 6.08 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).