Protected Files porn xxx game download cover

Protected Files

Game Description:

You are an amateur investigator contacted by a mysterious man. He is convinced that his sister is in trouble. Break into password protected files to learn secrets and solve the ‘case’.

  • Extract and run.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 198.2 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Passwords and how to find them if you get stuck:

Protected File - 391993 (birthday)
Phone backup - 3452 (ssn)
Ready to Go - black (goth)
Selfies - bookstore (shirt/background)
Private - sincity (background poster)
Computer backup - hearts (panties)
Work - love (filenames)
Behind the scenes - dickhead
GIF - 13579 (look into my eyes - hard to see, had to crop and enlarge and still took ages to realise the first 3 is not a 9)
Strip - gbbqfa (gif file name)
Kitty - catnip (binary to text)
Shower - 312211 (number of numbers, 3 numbers 1's, 2 2's, and 1 1.
Private vid - Testicles (in image)
videos - one (how many travelers went to saint ives)
Private Show - blowjob (anagram of caps in videos)
Show 1 - hardnipples (note copy 42)
Show 2 - paris (lat long)
Videos to sell - vagina ( i found this code early on, weird that it was the last one)

Liked the game (try hack run on steam/mobile) but didn't like the porn aspect of it. Model was pretty so-so.