Prince of Suburbia porn xxx game download cover

Prince of Suburbia

Game Description:

The main character is an 18 year old virgin who wants what every teenage male wants. As the summer is heating up, so is the sexual tension with the women in his life. His MILF neighbor is discovering a newfound interest in exhibitionism. His college-aged sister can’t keep her clothes on. His mom is confused by the recent changes in her son’s behavior. Can you help him navigate these risky situations to get what he wants, or will he end up a virgin for the rest of his life? (Non-incest setting available.)​

  • Extract and run
Note: Many saves will be broken by this update. We made major changes to the code with this update, including brand new GUI and upgrading to Ren'Py 8+. If your saves are broken, clicking Start in the main menu will give you a few options for different jump in points so you don't have to start from the beginning. Also, possible Android issue reported by one of our testers: FYI regarding possible installation problems with the Android beta apk. Potentially, the change in RenPy versions coupled with the Andriod restricted file access policy, causes the update process to fail. Solution: Uninstall the previous version, reboot the device, then install the new version. All saved games are lost, but that's a feature. The player gets to enjoy the remastered game from the beginning. If you have any other trouble accessing the game or encounter any bugs or issues, please let us know! The final update (V1.0 BETA) of Prince of Suburbia includes:
NEW CONTENT: ~20K words 39 illustrations 23 animations 33 voice acting files (thanks to HaruLuna)
REMASTERED CONTENT: 16 illustrations 8 animations 115 voice acting files (thanks to HaruLuna) brand new GUI (thanks to m. of Tsundere Studio)
The second beach update (Part 2 - V0.95) of Prince of Suburbia includes: 6 new scenes, 5 remastered scenes ~19,000 words 2 new backgrounds 63 2D illustrations 44 2D animations 45 voice acting audio files This update cycle included 3 fully remastered animated lewd scenes from Part 1 - V0.55 with Sonia, Heather, and Naomi. If you already saw the original scenes, you can access the remastered scenes in the gallery. 2 remastered non-lewd scenes with illustrations only were also added.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 3.81 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).