Poke-Ball Academia 2 porn xxx game download cover

Poke-Ball Academia 2

Game Description:

The second part of the series that lets you fuck all of your favorite anime characters in now better than ever! enjoy of the thrills of raising a family with each and every one of them as you romance every character throughout the story at your own disposal! anime shows this game is based upon are: Dragon Ball, Pokemon, My Hero Academia and Fate/Grand Order,​

  • Extract and run.
- Added over 30 different and unique endings + a bonus extra ending for each universe for you to enjoy! - Added 2 secret bonus hidden endings including a true ending - Added replay gallery for every scene (except endings) | unlocked once completing the full story - Added H-scene w/ Mallow, Lana & Lillie in Pokemon Universe (pregnant) (not an ending) - Added new fight scene w/ saiyan girls - Added new H-scene w/ Cus (impregnation) (not an ending) - Added checkmark status to keep track of every ending you've completed - Changed game font one last time since previous one would show a black line underneath each wall of text - Modified in game menu-buttons overlays - Made main menu home screen interactive - Modified patreon links + patreon.screens backgrounds
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1,000.08 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).