Peasant Pete porn xxx game download cover

Peasant Pete

Game Description:

Armed with little more than his patchy overalls, a headband passed down from father to son in his family for generations, and his peasant Karate fighting style, our hero, Pete, does his best to tackle whatever life throws at him . . . which include such things as arson-based insurance fraud, saving dogs and magic mirrors, murderous farmers and their animals, violent animated cleaning equipment, dealing Fairy Dust, and catering Vampire Discos.

Oh, and there’s plenty of hot girls for Pete to get his hands on too!​

  • Extract and run.
EP 1 ⦁ Various dialogue changes. ⦁ Minor art changes to some maps. ⦁ Added missing emotes to first in-game scene with Mae. ⦁ Changed name of episode 1 from “Peasant Goodbyes” to “Run, Peasant! Run”. New name reflects something in th actual episode. Original name felt like a finale or something.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 202.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).