Nude Byte porn xxx game download cover

Nude Byte

Game Description:

A small indie game inspired by the Splatoon series. It will feature high-speed shooting action and customizable characters.

  • Extract and run.
WHAT'S ADDED: (6.5.4)
  • 1 new pose item named "Frontal Presentation" is now available in the Style Shop.
  • Added a "Battle Again" option after a regular battle is done.
  • Added a "Restart" option in the pause menu of a regular battle.
  • Fixed an issue where some advertisement posters aren't showing on any Glitch Day.
  • Added a small feature where the advertisements in the Gallery have lighter frame colors if they're not currently available in the Glitch City.
  • Fixed an issue where an NPC sometimes remains visible after leaving a building.
  • Added a small feature where scrolling the mouse in battle also swaps dolls.
  • Fixed an issue where, whenever a doll is being customized, the color for the mask is always disabled.
  • Added a small notification at the very start of the game whenever it detects a save data from a previous version.
  • Added a small warning in the Advertisements section of the Gallery that notifies when certain settings options are on.
  • Made a few improvements in Card Mixing/Alter.
    • The page now only resets to the first page when you leave the building.
    • When selecting a card that's currently in use, it now displays the name of the doll that's using it.
  • Renamed the upgrade items "Boosts" to "Boost-Ups".
  • Due to the random nature of 8-battles-per-glitch-day's internal system, the bit rates in Bank/Exchange now use real days to get non-random results.
  • Several dialogues of NPCs have been updated.
  • Several Help items have been updated.
  • Several minor visual changes.
Some of the new minor additions (such as the "Battle Again" option) are too new that they may have bugs. If you find any bugs, please let me know. NOTE: I'm aware of the save data bug that occurs whenever people use the Save Transfer. However, after investigating this problem, I failed to find the problem. I'm terribly sorry. I plan to re-investigate and make a fix for this someday.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 369.2 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

$1 passcode is "WATER" and $3 passcode is "JUICE"