Nemesis Party: NTR, or NOT porn xxx game download cover

Nemesis Party: NTR, or NOT

Game Description:

It’s Glendale High’s last house party of the summer, where you’ll either win over your long-time crush, Emma Winters, or lose her forever. The problem: your ex-girlfriend, Tara, will be there, and she’s out for revenge. You broke up with her, and now she’s trying to get every girl at the party, including Emma, to hook up with the school’s star basketball player – an old nemesis who is as cunning as he is tall, muscular, and hung.

  • Extract and run.
  • FIXED: Animation of MC/Lily at end of music video crashes game.
  • FIXED: Animations can crash game when spam-clicked.
  • FIXED: Lily was missing a conditional flag, causing her “important discussion” to appear when there wasn’t any.
  • FIXED: Tara’s NTR ass flashing during her booze run was triggered with positive nemesis points instead of negative.
  • FIXED: “Return to main menu” at the end of game doesn’t do as such.
  • FIXED: Emma’s post-soccer match romance/vanilla scene not triggering despite positive nemesis score.
  • FIXED: Ace’s important (i) conversation indicator enabled despite no conversation available.
  • FIXED: Overlapping images during voyeur scene with Emma, Ace, and Tara.
  • FIXED: Music didn’t play in home screen past Turn 6
  • FIXED: Lily’s info card showed picture of Emma instead
  • FIXED: Girls were incorrectly shown as gaining points on their nemesis scores when influenced by Ace’s rumors.
  • FIXED: One girl telling the same girl a rumor over and over again, versus it spreading from person-to-person.
  • FIXED: Re-wrote code for Tara/MC intro sex animation so it’s more stable.
  • FIXED: Lily’s overlay image still visible in Emma’s interact menu during turn 1.
  • FIXED: Wrong alignment of Ace/Spade symbol for Tara during End Turn Summary
  • Tutorials have been revised for clarity, and are no longer optional.
  • Added more detail to the walkthrough page. More specifically, the difference in Lily’s scene between drunk and sober.
  • Lily’s short tutorial conversation now presents an opportunity to raise or lower her nemesis score.
  • Added short segment after Tara’s booze trip, where she is seen preparing alcohol - this should help players remember that the introduction of alcohol can affect scene lewdity.
  • The hint button now shows “there are no more important discussions” when you’ve exhausted all options.
  • The turn button will show yellow arrow when it’s time to move on.
  • Removed Darius’s greyed-out ‘shop’ button completely
  • Updated Lily’s flashing breasts mini-scene with Tara so that the dialogue aligns with subplot of Lily’s viral video.
  • Rumors no longer require action points, and instead you have 2 attempts per turn to overturn a rumor.
  • Emma’s preview NTR image changed so that false expectations are not created when drunk vs sober
  • After Lily’s rooftop scene, and before her music video, there is now an ‘important discussion” with her. This helps set up the music video, as well as presents an opportunity to increase or decrease her nemesis score.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 4.52 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).