Neko Waifus porn xxx game download cover

Neko Waifus

Game Description:

Hentai puzzle, micro visual novel, with a sprinkle of RPG. Flirt with all the Neko girls!​

  • Extract and run.
Anon's Neko Waifus - 1.0.9 Version 1.0.9 - Samurai Update Hey Anon. A new update has been made, especially for you. What has changed? New scene Revamped the "What now?" menu Acquiring perks also changed a bit. Hope you like those changes Also added: Option to disable perks - something you might want to use if you are min/maxing the game to get all the cards Made animations a bit better Bugfixes: Some dialogue lines with bad quality or spoken typos re-recorded Fixed the wrong sign in quality settings Minor quality of life improvements
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 451.7 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).