Myth of Angels: Prologue porn xxx game download cover

Myth of Angels: Prologue

Game Description:

The year is 2039, and because of the first Heavenly War, everything has been destroyed, and the Creator has been murdered. The following tragic events caused the so-called “Fallen Angels” and Angels to come to Earth. You are one of them, but much more important than the others because your father was the Creator himself… After the events, many Fallen Angels went rogue, which began to cause increasing tension between the human and angelic races. As a son of the Creator, will you grow strong enough to resolve the conflict or let the Fallen City take you down?​

  • Extract and run.
- 1130 pictures (650 new pictures) - 34 animations (18 new animations) -> [slow&fast animations count as 2 from now on] - 41 soundtracks (16 new soundtracks) - The game has multiple missable scenes depending on previous choices. The two Jessica lewd scenes are completely missable if you were not careful before! Also there are 5 possible routes at the end. (Choice button will be at the next update!) - Many secrets. To spoil a little. Angie might have something which you will need for later. Secondly in the freeroam I recommend you to check everything. - A cleaning minigame and a simple freeroam event. - Optimised the code a little bit & new UI elements.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.96 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).