My Life in a Monster Girl Paradise porn xxx game download cover

My Life in a Monster Girl Paradise

Game Description:

When you were a small child, you traveled around the world on a sailing vessel with your parents. but one night a storm overtook the ship and it was wrecked. Everyone else is probably dead, but you miraculously survived by hanging onto a piece of wood from the ship. Not much later you washed up on the shore of a mystical island and were found by a middle-aged Minotaur woman and her small adopted Lamia daughter. They took you in and took care of you as a nanny and childhood companion, You grew to consider then to be your family, even if not by blood. Many years later, you reach adulthood and that is where your true adventure begins! Gather resources, try to become friends with wild monster girls, invite them to live in the village you rebuild, date the girl you like and make love… This is your story!​

  • Extract and run.
1 New H Scene (Bathroom) Small fixes. little news about the 0.4 version. for the 0.4 version two new monster girl will join to live in the island (completed beach area) the two new girl is... Scylla and Eel
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 781.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).