My Hunt, My Paradise porn xxx game download cover

My Hunt, My Paradise

Game Description:

“A strapping young man is on the newfound path of learning what it means to be a Hunter. While traveling with your friends, you will protect the castle and hunt monsters; while eventually growing strong enough to begin the quest for your missing brother and his partner. During your quest for power, you find and work alongside multiple beautiful women. How you handle the surrounding situations depends on the choices you make. Will you make your paradise come true? Or leave it as it is?”​

  • Extract the compressed file to an specific folder.
    (WinRAR is not reliable. Please use 7Zip instead for extracting.)
  • Open the folder and run the .exe file to play.
-Added 300+ Renders. -Added 11 Animations. -Added 2 new characters. (Elaine and Caroline.) -Added stamina bar for the combat. (It is still not the best, but I'll improve it once I learn more about the coding) -Story continues. Changed: -Skin shaders of the characters. (Due to changing the skin shaders, some of the characters are looking different now.) (Character's who got changed a lot because of the new skin shader are Priscilla, Giana, and Selina.) -Replaced the old renders with new ones. -Training grounds have been changed. -Blacksmith's shop has been changed. -Fixed grammar of the first update.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.17 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).