Monster Tutor porn xxx game download cover

Monster Tutor

Game Description:

In “Monster Tutor” you step into the shoes of a professor unexpectedly sent to teach at Netherworld Academy, a university for monster girls. Right from the start, your job is anything but normal. On day one, you meet Azazel, a troublemaker demon; Phanta, a shy ghost; and Josa, a vampire who’s not too thrilled about having a human teacher. Do you have what it takes to tutor these girls and form a connection with them, despite being the only human in the Netherworld?​

  • Extract and run.
- Added 9 translations done by AI (Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Portuguese, French). Language selection is available in the menu. - Added a new Monster Girl: Ember (Dragon Girl) - Added 2 mini-events and 1 main event for Ember. - Added 1 mini-event and 1 main event for Mari (Bee Girl) - Added 1 mini-event for Zelja (Orc Girl) - Added 1 mini-event for Melody (Cyclops Girl) - Added 1 date event for Azmara - Added 50 new voice lines for Erika. - Added second floor to the school map. Currently, the only room is the Lounge. - Added the teacher's lounge which contains original characters created by our Patreon members. - Added 6 new girls to the lounge. - Added art-room to feature fan art. - Reworked the selection menu for all the girls for enhanced readability and more consistent style. - Fixed jank between navigating menus, such as the back button taking you to the interaction menu when you don't want it to during some menu events. - Added icons to the task menu for better accessibility. - Added a super-secret door somewhere in the school. - Updated the prologue to have a narrated introduction at the beginning alongside additional animations throughout the intro. - Updated the overlays that appear during events for better stylization. - Updated the textbox for better stylization. - Updated the main menu with new buttons and a new font. - Updated the game's logo. - Fixed minor grammatical and continuity errors. - Various other bug-fixes and minor polish updates. - Added moving bar at the bottom of the main menu as the credit for my Patreon Supporters. - Added custom quit screen for PC/Mac/Linux users. - Updated navigation menu. - Updated outlines and sprites throughout school map to be higher quality. (Less pixelization!)
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 783.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).