Medschool, Love and Friends porn xxx game download cover

Medschool, Love and Friends

Game Description:

Years after the first game, explore the life of a new medicine intern. College, hospital, home, evolve in this sandbox as you want. More real choices, a lot of character (old and new), less grinding. Enjoy this game, enhanced since the old one.​

A lot of new event will occur from the beginning. You have to start a new game in order to trigger them.

  • Extract and run.
- Save system: you can now see the path you chose in different events. For now, there are the events with Mercedes and Fen. Like that, you can easily create several saves with different paths. - Fen: new scenes for the solo path and the boyfriend path. - Mercedes: a small advancement in the solo path - Axelle: new scenes if you chose the incest path - Nurse Rosita: the young nurse from the hospitalization unit is available as a new romanceable character. - Yoona: your mysterious Korean colleague. Just the beginning of her series of events. - On call-room: in the hospitalization unit, the on call room is available. New characters will be added when you will have sex with them. For now, you can have Tamara and Lisa. - Hospital: new hospitalization case available.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.42 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).