Maids And Masters porn xxx game download cover

Maids And Masters

Game Description:

Decades ago, an Estate was attacked by Servants of an unknown Master. Their only goal seemed to be the deaths of everyone on the grounds. There were no survivors. Our protagonist Master had been kept away from the destruction by his uncle, who raised him. With no one left alive to explain why he had to grow up an orphan, he returns home with a single Servant – his childhood friend – seeking to rebuild his family Estate and take revenge on whoever tried to burn it to the ground. And hopefully build a harem of cute Maids along the way~

  • Extract the compressed file to an specific folder.
    (WinRAR is not reliable. Please use 7Zip instead for extracting.)
  • Open the folder and run the .exe file to play.
Reworked the affection tracking system to be more dynamic and provide more interactivity. Reworked enemy stats - affected enemies have lower hp, but higher stats. Added the first part of the love shack repair quest (to be completed in a future update). Added a wolf den to the Deep Wilds, as well as various small changes and updates. Added an event to give guidance and help set up the next story update. Added options to Griselda to allow her scenes to be repeated once unlocked. Added more Contracts to Emily’s Shop, available after completing the current story. Added encounters to the Deep Wilds that become available after certain progression thresholds. Added encounters only active during the Haunt to the Deep Wilds. Added new conversations to some Cumhaill NPCs, available based on progression. Added a render to Ella’s introduction. Added a render and made a few minor updates to Quinn’s conversation about Trophy 9. Added renders to and partially reworked Jenny’s aggressive path introduction. Added renders and made a few minor updates to Quinn’s introduction. Added short stories to the collections of statues in Lothario’s first floor gallery. Added a Hints & Tips section to the readme to attempt to clarify certain mechanics. Added new interactions to objects that didn’t have them previously. Added new fast travel options to certain fast travel points and updated names of some options. Fixed a bug that incorrectly sent the player to the Haunt version of a map outside of the Haunt. Fixed a dialogue bug for one of Viridius’ Maids that incorrectly detected you were aggressive. Fixed a bug where a Freeze conversation could trigger out of order and soft-lock progression. Fixed a bug that prevented collection of two items from Emily’s shop after buying the Contracts. Fixed a bug where Quinn’s request didn’t appear complete or correctly subtract Scrap Wood. Fixed a bug where the MC’s Northern Hold would incorrectly react to the Old Writ of Holdings. Fixed a bug where butterflies would freeze when not moving. Fixed a bug where sun shafts would allow traversing tiles that shouldn’t be traversable. Fixed a bug where an image would not correctly erase during one of Beverly’s challenges. Fixed a bug that placed the player in Haunt maps when recruiting Quinn outside the Haunt. Fixed a bug that made it possible to traverse the railings in Lothario’s mansion. Fixed a bug that caused Jenny to have the wrong dialogue during the Freeze in Teely’s presence. Fixed a bug that prevented the fires in Griselda’s guest houses from functioning as intended. Fixed a bug that skipped some of the dialogue for v0.6’s finale under certain circumstances. Fixed several bugs that caused events related to the master bedroom to trigger out of sequence. Updated some Freeze events to fix potential visual errors and soft-locks. Updated the surveillance gargoyle to turn according to the player’s position. Updated various aspects of the love shack maps to accommodate future updates. Updated Griselda to support the future update for the next story segment. Updated Emily to address some benefits and drawbacks of being enthralled. Updated the Silcrow payout to accommodate the new equipment added. Updated some Deep Wilds encounters to respawn if defeated after progression thresholds. Updated the Wilds outside Lothario’s Estate and the village of Aimadh to be smaller. Updated the Cumhaill farm side quest to not allow the same patch to be picked indefinitely. Updated the wood trader in Ventíre to address trading for more wood than you can carry. Updated Viridian Warden’s name to Viridian Defender to be consistent with similar enemies. Updated Viridian Defender’s name to Viridian Warden to avoid confusion with the Hold enemy. Updated Ella’s base critical chance to be 2% higher. Updated the Deep Wilds Hold security system to have an audio cue instead of a text prompt. Updated some skills to address potential duplicates between old and new classes. Updated the security system north of Ventire to have an audio cue instead of a text prompt. Updated a Haunted Wolf encounter to not be a Haunted Wolf when the Haunt is inactive. Various minor dialogue, item description, map, and event updates.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 763.1 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).