Lilith Descent porn xxx game download cover

Lilith Descent

Game Description:

Overall, Lilith Descent is about lewd and entertaining dungeon exploration, Where the player can have a variety of character builds utilizing elements and items, all in hopes of conquering a living labyrinthian world known as the Serferus Realm.

The story of the game centers around a young archeologist named Journey who receives a letter and a package from an estranged sister.​

  • Extract and run.
  • Added Valeria's Skill Tree.
  • Added Brigit's Dithonion H-Battle and Subjugation event.
  • Added Mind Broken Dialogue for Brigit.
  • Added Eastern Crystal Cave within the Whispering Peaks area.
  • Add progressive Defeat Dialogues to faction H-battles.
  • Added Message backlog accessed with the [ SHIFT ] key, during dialogue.
-Changes, fixes:
  • Adjusted Samara's Articulate Fighter summon to scale directly with her level.
  • Reduced Samara's likelyhood of being individually targeted.
  • The Articulate Fighter's resonance state will now be visually reflected while under the affect of a special H-grab, ex. The Dithonion's mating pounce.
  • Added passive POWER regeneration to The Articulate Fighter.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 917.3 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).