Letterman Hotel porn xxx game download cover

Letterman Hotel

Game Description:

After saving a man from being murdered, you are surprisingly the heir to an abandoned hotel, which in the past was a hotel run by maids. With the help of your girlfriend and her friends, you will have to take your new hotel to a good port. Hotel Letterman is a game in which you will have to keep a hotel under construction afloat as well as keep your maids in a good mood. While you do it, you will be able to meet each of the characters, spy on the guests when a maid goes to visit them in their room, and even create a harem.​

  • Extract and run.
  • Sam's Event No. 5: day 9 at noon.
  • Sam's Event No. 6: day 11 at sunset
  • Alexa Event No. 2: day 8 at night.
  • Alexa Event No. 3:day 10 at morning.
  • Alexa Event No. 4: day 12 at morning.
  • Alexa event No. 5: day 14 at noon
  • Amy's Event No. 5: day 8 at noon.
  • Amy's Event No. 6: day 10 at sunset.
  • Monica's Event No. 5: day 9 at morning.
  • Monica's Event No. 6: day 11 at night.
  • Six surprise events.
  • Two new guests.
  • New information has been added for the first four guests.
  • Bugs fixed
  • New bugs
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 403.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

NTR content is completely avoidable from the start of the game.