Lesbian Island porn xxx game download cover

Lesbian Island

Game Description:

In a hidden place in the world, is the island of Resubos, a tropical paradise exclusively for women. On this island you can walk, make friends, fish, go shopping and meet our latest addition: Hana, a newcomer who has lost her memory and who has decided to stay until she recovers it. This girl with such good attributes offers you the best (and the only) sexual service on the entire island. And, the more she dedicates herself to this, the better she is at it!

  • Extract and run.
  • Fixed a bug where when you talk to Aiko in her house while she's watching TV, after the conversation is over, her image won't disappear from the screen (there may be more times when you talk to a main character and her image won't disappear after the conversation, I don't know if I've found all the times where this fails).
  • Fixed a bug where when you check the instruction manual, if you press the "Hotel" option, you can't go back, so you can't continue playing.
  • Fixed a bug where at a certain point in the story, this error message would appear: "cannot load .../character/flowers.png".
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 956.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).