Last Call porn xxx game download cover

Last Call

Game Description:

It begins with the death of the main character’s parents (typical beginning, I know), which is why his older brother John with whom he lost contact 10 years ago returns to the city where he used to live to take you with him and give them a burial.
During the story, you must interact with the characters around you while you discover the secrets, fears and insecurities that your acquaintances keep. What to do with that information is a known kink. In addition, you will discover the existence of an “aphrodisiac” whose manufacture is being investigated by your brother, who places his trust in you. Will you help him or will you choose the path of evil?

  • Extract and run.
Path A advanced (added the BDSM route with Alessa (Angry girl)). Path B advanced (Added some options and branches.) 23 new short videos. More than 500 new images. Add warnings about which decisions lead which route. The game was around 1.7gb, so I compressed it. Some scenes on route B were improved. Now the videos stay fixed until you decide to skip them. I had to take down the Vanilla route momentarily while remaking a scene as the personalities of some characters were not the same as other routes. When I finish remaking the Vanilla route (in a few more days) I will upload an update as a fix version
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.3 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).