Jacki’s World porn xxx game download cover

Jacki’s World

Game Description:

A story about a young girl, recently turned nineteen who sets out on her adventure to try and please the world. Her special talents find herself unable to stop from building lust and connections throughout the town and within her own family.​

  • Extract and run.
Alpha 12 Release - Motherly Love - Changelog - New Pregnancy System! + The system is optional, though can be activated once you've reached 50 Work XP in the hospital. + New breeder program + New exclusive sex scene in hospital, 100% breeding chance! + Pregnancy Evolution System, watch your belly grow day by day! + Birth Event (Non Graphic) + 10% chance of any human creampie impregnating you - New Library Location! + Tips for where to find certain encounters! + Exclusive Monster Encounter + Erotic Reading leads to Exhibition! + Random Book Choices - New Personal Trainer! + New personal trainer in gym! Increase fitness leveling! + Exclusive sex scene! + More Content to be added <3 - New Genetically Modified Sector Scene + Goros from Mortal Kombat has made it in! Even two of them! <3 - New Father Scene + New father scene avaliable within your bedroom! Unlocks after first sexual encounter with father. - New Brad Scene + New Brad Scene involving car sex. Available by random chance in the city streets after you have had date-sex with Brad. - Fixed a lot of bugs + Lots of typos fixed, otherwise just a general fixemup. Not gonna label everything because honestly I lost track lol - Some Future Notes + Brad Storyline is going to be developed later, I spent a lot of time working on this pregnancy system and with the freetime I got I needed to focus on that. + Pets for your apartment is probably gonna be introduced soon!
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.06 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide