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Island of Penance

Game Description:

Dr. Brian, the genius scientist behind the rediscovery of Crest Magic, died in an accident under mysterious circumstances. Years later, Illumina, the man’s only daughter, pursues the career of prison guard in order to gain access to Prison Island and investigate her father’s death. Only those with magic affinity get to become guards though, and only men so far have displayed this quirk… But by some miracle, and to everyone’s surprise, Illumina is compatible, allowing her to become the first female prison guard in the whole nation!

And yet, as the only woman on an island full of men, things will only get more difficult for Illumina from here on out. The wardens rule with abandon and impunity, and their word is law… Will she be able to solve the mystery behind her father’s death? And what will it cost her?

  • Installer version:
  • 1. Extract the 'Island of Penance [v1.03] [ONEONE1]' archive.
  • 2. Run the 'Island of Penance EN v1.03 Installer.exe' executable.
  • 3. Play by running 'Game.exe' executable.
  • Pre-installed version:
  • 1. Extract the 'Island of Penance [v1.03] [ONEONE1]' archive.
  • 2. Play by running 'Game.exe' executable.
Most likely just minor bug fixes.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.39 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).