In Her Service porn xxx game download cover

In Her Service

Game Description:

In a world where nobility possess the power to purchase and own human beings, Sylvia and Jack, a couple deeply in love, stand before the doors to the Talia Godroy mansion. The doors before them represent not only their new home but also an uncertain future as the new property of their enigmatic mistress.
Story about relationship between four main characters. Main theme romance/swinging.​

  • Extract and run.
✅ 5,6h -> 5,8h Gametime +20min ✅ 66 -> 69 Events +3 ✅ 17608 -> 17943 Lines of text + 335 ✅ 1634 -> 1678 Images +44
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 639.9 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide

Walkthrough Mod: FILEKNOT - ANONZIP

Walkthrough Mod Installtion:

1. Unzip file
2. Copy contents to "/game" folder in the game install directory

1. Delete modwtasahibito.rpa

Walkthrough Mod Features:

Walkthrough calls out choices that lead to Lewd and Sex Scenes, Achievements and Gallery Pics.
Walkthrough highlights any relevant variables and flags pertaining to a choice.
For imagemap based unlockables an optional pointer to the location can be shown.
Walkthrough text font size can be scaled.

Mod also adds the ability to name saves.

Keyboard Navigation:
G - Show/Hide Walkthrough Guide
P - Show/Hide Pointer where applicable

The mod does not change any game files.