Ilias: Alcyone Legends porn xxx game download cover

Ilias: Alcyone Legends

Game Description:

You live in a world where everything is decided by wealth and power, but the only thing that you’re actually good at is . . . cooking? A worthless skill, some may say. But why not use that talent to the fullest and see what happens? And romance as many cute girls as you want along the way. After all, the path to a strong woman’s heart does run through her stomach.​

  • Extract and run.
  • Added a new character, Gibson
  • Added voice acting for the guild master
  • Added voice acting for Wrenna’s 0.3 content
  • Added a chibi scene with Tifa
  • Added an animated CG with Wrenna
  • Added scenes with Gibson
  • New Quest: “Part-Time Work with Gilbert”
  • New Quest: “Helping Gibson:
  • Animated some scenes with Gibson
  • Inserted a “kabedon” scene with Lifa into the game.
  • Added three new items (leeks, wine, and lamb)
  • Added a new dish: lamb stew
  • You now need to supply this new dish in the quest with Gibson
  • Added ancillary quests for 0.4
  • Added a function for tracking viewed events to the flower. To look at it, you need to select: “Talk” -> “Ask what was and what will be” -> “Select desired plot interval.” Unlocked mini-events will have names; locked ones will simply be labeled “???”. This will help you tell whether you’ve seen all the version’s content.
New locations added:
  • Adventurers Guild courtyard
Partial voice acting of the characters is in progress. A full playthrough of the new 0.4 content takes about 30 minutes.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 954.3 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).