Hounds of The Meteor porn xxx game download cover

Hounds of The Meteor

Game Description:

ounds of the Meteor” is under development.
We aim to create a game that combines both side-scrolling action and command-selection-type adventures, with both gameplay and eroticism.
The direction of eroticism is “fighting heroine’s insult/different sex”.​

  • Download both files, extract, and merge.
This is an update for March 2024. This time it will be a duel with Bagan, the mercenary commander. Once you finish the conversation at the Goto-gumi office, the Avin Abandoned Factory will be newly displayed on the map, so you can fight Bagan there. The two erotic scenes that were implemented were the defeat and humiliation against Bagan, and the subsequent humiliation by the soldiers.
It's been a little over two months, so there haven't been many updates. very sorry. As some of you may have noticed, I've been in a slump for a while now. The amount of time we spend idly in front of our PCs is increasing. I feel like I have to do something about it, but the reality is that I can't come up with any effective measures. I am truly sorry for your support. I will continue to deceive and deceive, so please support me whenever you feel like it. I'm so sorry.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.77 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


Cheat Installation: Install BepInEx and extract file to BepInExplugins folder.

Cheat Features:

  • Add Money(F7) function changed. 1k -> 50k

  • Money display updated on use 'Add Money' (item shop, suit power-up scene)