Hornymon: Libido porn xxx game download cover

Hornymon: Libido

Game Description:

This is pokemon porn parody game, with unique pokemons (in game they called Hornymons). This game in early stage but game already have, wild encounters, Trainer battles, evolutions, Inventory system, simple quest system, catching sytem of hornymons, shop system and more.​

  • Extract and run.
-Added crafting system, workbench can be found in brothel. In future version it will be improved. -Added brothel system. Congratulations Mr. Netoraremen give acces to Brothel PC, now you can use PC for earning money, also you can use brothel worker from PC, for free. PC can be found in brothel, close to workbench. In future version I will improve it, for "Managment" tag. -Some new locations and Hornymons. -Some new polaroids. -New MC sprite. -Improve amout of hornymon storage boxes (OLD: 30 boxes cells, NOW: 480 boxes cells) -Add new tabs to inventory system (Key items, Craft Items). Also in future I will add tab for MC battle items (weapon, ammo, armor and etc) -Small improves of battle system, i made new types of moves (with recoil damage, attack that summon weather, one hit K.O. moves, draining moves, multi hit moves) -Summary screen imrove: now you can see what type of your hornymon, that will help you to make more balanced team. I'm still working on showing ability of hornymon. -Add ability to every hornymon, now it can make fight your fights easier or harder.(For example mercenary Timur have ability "Archon Blood" that ability give resist to all status effects) Bug Fixes: -Fix bugs with save system, now summary screen work after loading save. -Now catched hornymons are not get lost if your party is full, they go to box storage -Fix bug when hornymon that stored in boxes lost after save and loading game. -Fix grammar mistake, with Mr. Netoraremen. Thank you for to user cicuit. P.S. if you see grammar mistakes write to me and I will fix that. P.S.S. English is not mine main language. -add new bugs Also don't forget report to me if you found bug in game. And If you want to add something or someone, report to me, I don't take money for that game feel free.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 64.1 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).