High School Hobby Harlots porn xxx game download cover

High School Hobby Harlots

Game Description:

Being shipped off to reform school wasn’t exactly your idea, now was it? But if you want to keep your inheritance, you’re just going to have to make the best of it here at St. Slattern’s School for Difficult Girls. High School Hobby Harlots is a comic-style visual novel / fanzine / dating sim mashup, following the sexy adventures of funny, feisty heroine Amara. As the novel unfolds, you’ll need to manage your Fun, Energy, Allure, Sexperience, and Money to unlock events and stay in school. You’ll also need to increase the Corruption of your friends, so they’ll be up for camming for you on your iFap channel, and eventually escorting with you on iFuq. With perseverance, you’ll be running a whole harem of harlots for fun and profit! There are loads of sexy scenes for you to unlock and enjoy. Much of the repeatable erotic content is also randomized, so there’s more variety in your game play.​

  • Extract and run.
  • Two new story events:
    • Get a glimpse into the backstory behind the Slim vs. Emmy Rivalry...
    • Amara repays an old favor...
    • ~100 new images
  • Lucky Charm now gives double Study Points in addition to its cosmetic and Sexperience gains
  • Tweaked iFuq tutorials to explicate how to move Girls past Friendship = 69
  • Changed iFuq map locations to pink
  • Various bug fixes, including renumbering Missy's Group iFuq set, which were misnumbered
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.40 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).