Hentai University porn xxx game download cover

Hentai University

Game Description:

Hentai University follows you, a hypnotist recently employed as a student-councilor for the local university, going around the town and getting sexually involved with people from both the university itself and the surrounding town. The characters are taken from CG sets by artists like Oreteki18kin, Nagi Ichi, and Enomshima Iki. This game can be played in-browser and does include a mobile version.

The game is currently unfinished, but there is still a good amount of content to unlock. Any feedback you can provide is appreciated!
You can find an up-to-date list of the game’s cheat codes here.

  • Extract the downloaded .rar file
  • Run the Hentai University.html file
  • Or, click the online link to play the game online.
--- New Content: - New girl with only one scene by Cryptogreek, Giselle Carter, who appears in the hypnotherapy fliers - New content for Himari and Emi Sato, bring 3 or more people to the bathhouse and you can stay over for the night - Quinn's Massage Parlor has been added, Bellamy invites you at the end of his content. The content ends on a cliffhanger again due to me needing to write cute girls, I'm sorry --- Bugfixes: - Fixed a bug where Sarah Walker wasn't showing as complete after finishing her content - Fixed a bug where one of the hypnotherapy girls' pervert mode image was breaking - Properly incremented the version number this time --- Other Changes: - Added the commercial things from AV and Medicenter to the computer - Added victoria's 3rd gym scene to the gallery for diskidgonwild Quinn is finally added! But has no lewd scenes himself yet. Sorry that it still ends on yet another a cliffhanger, but I couldn't just let the vegetarians starve, so v32 also includes as much as I could do in time for the Sato Bathhouse. A thing came up with crypto and he was only able to write one scene for another hypnotherapy patient. For the massage parlor scenes, you bring in carnivore-route characters since you only need three people, it was meant to be short bits of fluff but they kinda ballooned out, massage boi's .js file is somehow already around the size of Emily's, a completed character. Possible people you can bring in are Sam, Saffron, Damien, Robin (must be corrupted), Ash, Kay, Gou (must have met meph), meph, and meph's secretary (must have slept with them before), you only need 3 people total though. In order to actually enter the parlor, you need to be all caught up with Bellamy and Ophelia. Quinn's kinda become the new final route for the carnivore route. Similarly to the parlor, to see the new bathhouse scenes, just bring 3 or more people to the bathhouse. I hope you enjoy!
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 727.0 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide