Haunting Havens porn xxx game download cover

Haunting Havens

Game Description:

Welcome to Haunting Havens – As a professional ghost hunter, you are contracted with subduing a group of trouble-causing succubi. You weren’t the best option, but you were the only one left for the boss to call. As all other hunters and exorcists have failed their mission and felled to the seduction antics of the succubi.
To not get fired, ensure you are able to subdue and FUCK all succubi haunting the mansion without getting caught!
Due to budget cuts, you will have to earn money each night and visit the shop in order to obtain the items necessary to subdue these ghosts. To not lose money each night, make sure to last until 4:00 A.M. and keep your sanity levels high to prevent the succubi from spawning!​

  • Extract and run.
Fixes that will be done for this version (the download link will be updated in the coming days with the patches):
  • Judi's audio for caught X scene will be improved and reworked (it's currently a bit basic)
  • Cum animation in the works (we're reworking cum animations for most of the other animations as well to make them more realistic)
  • In the dark, Judi's hair is lime bright!
  • Seraphine's moaning can be heard from outside (chill gurl!)
  • The CCTV TV is computationally expensive and your GPU may spin up quite a bit as two cameras are technically being shown at once, we know of a method to fix this and this will be patched in the upcoming days!
  • Sound effects for the CCTVs/remote/switching between cameras
  • Static effects over the camera
  • music box wind up and other sound effects
  • INSTRUCTIONS (By pressing T the player will be able to see instructions on how to play! This is very nessecary!!)
  • Tooltip for flashlight at the first playthrough of the game
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.11 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).