Harem of Heroes porn xxx game download cover

Harem of Heroes

Game Description:

Quarry City is the perfect utopia: barley any crime and a legion of heroes to protect you. What a fucking waste. You know the truth, that heroes are nothing more then false idols, dressing in slutty costumes to make themselves look good. You could change that though. If you just had powers, you could corrupt the city and turn it into your own personal harem of lust and debauchery. Alas, you’re just a simple office worker… until one day you develop a superpower. Mind control. Now’s you’re chance to corrupt the heroes, turn them on the city and turn everything and everyone into the perfect toys for your sexual conquest.

  • Extract and run.
  • Added new talking scenes for Crimson Viper in Dorm
    • New conversations for each of her four outfits
  • Added transformation for Crimson Viper: “Pregnant Body”
  • Added bonus outfit for Crimson Viper: “Rich Bitch”
  • Added ability to gain Crimson Viper’s Santa outfit in the Castles hallway
  • Added harem room scene for Crimson Viper
    • Animated scene
  • Added new main story plotline
    • Added introduction to the Sponsor
  • Added Sponsor Quests
    • 1 new sponsor quest
      • Added new location: Oil Rig
      • Added one new hero: Bloodkeep
        • You can now battle Bloodkeep
        • You can now add Bloodkeep to your harem
        • You can now go on a crime spree with Bloodkeep (Through Simon)
        • New bad end when losing to Bloodkeep
  • Added transformation for Bloodkeep: “Frost Queen”
    • Added ability to speak with Bloodkeep when she is a Frost Queen
  • Added transformation for Bloodkeep: “Blood Beast”
    • Added ability to speak with Bloodkeep when she is a Blood Beast
  • Added 5 new characters to the Mall
    • Added Betsy in ice cream shop
    • Added Ash to restaurant
    • Added Mia to restaurant
    • Added Mira to the bar
    • Added Silver Mage to the bar
  • You can now speak with the characters at the mall
  • Added doctor transformation shop
    • Added new transformations
      • Added Pregnancy Cosmetics
      • Added Catgirl Injection
      • Added Blood Beast Pills
  • Added transformation for the doctor: “Pregnant Body”
    • Added ability to speak with the doctor when she has Pregnant Body
  • Added outfit for the doctor: “Goth”
  • Added transformation for the doctor: “Blood Beast”
    • Added ability to give the doctor pets
    • Added ability to speak with the doctor when she is a Blood Beast
  • Added transformation for Eilir: “Blood Beast”
  • Added transformation for Ellia: “Frost Queen”
  • Added transformation for Ellia: “Catgirl”
  • Added bonus outfit for Sheath: “Rich Bitch”
    • No access for this update
  • Added Kris transformation shop
    • Add Frost Queen transformation
    • Added Sponsor Quest Shop
    • Added Exclusive Shop
      • Added Goth Treatments
  • Added Simons Care Package System
    • Added Rock Paper Scissors Game
  • Added Crimson Viper crime spree
  • Added music credits in castle office
  • Added Captain Elisa to detective office
  • Added New Sheath Hero Lessons
    • Added Hero Lesson 5
    • Added Hero Lesson 6
    • Added Sheath battle
    • Added Sheath bad end
  • Added Sheath to Castle Garden
  • Added basic Sheath outfit menu
  • Bugfix: Player can Access Sheath’s Hero lessons now by obtaining a brainwave editor and meeting with Sheath privately
  • Bugfix: Any errors with the Bloodkeep or Eilir fights should be fixed
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.70 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).