Halfway House porn xxx game download cover

Halfway House

Game Description:

You’re a nineteen year old dude who just spent four years in juvenile detention. Today’s the day of your release. But you’re still under a six month probation period, so you can’t do whatever the heck you want just yet.
You get assigned to a halfway house way out in the boonies to learn a thing or two about being an adult. After all your were just fifteen years old when they put you away. And in juvie, they don’t exactly teach you anything about dealing with the outside world.​

  • Extract and run.
New: .Added EP11 .1118 renders .Added option to append custom title to savegames (Desktop only) .Added a basic hint system. Enable in options menu. Hint will pop up when you fail a scene .Added option to display relation stats in real time. Enable in option menu .Added option to enable copying dialogue text to clipboard. Allowing you to use auto translate software. Enable in option menu (Desktop only) .Re-added button control list to the help menu (Desktop only) .Rerwote readme screen to include new info about the newly added functions .Added new SFX .Retrofitted new SFX to previous episodes .Emily's dialogue during certain sex scenes differ based on whether her CP or LP is higher. You now get to choose which version she uses during replays. This was previously randomly determined. Fixes: .Fixed wrong variable check for the intimate Emily bedroom scene in EP10, causing you fail the check if you were on the Emily LP path: (stayed with her on the train ride in EP7 and made out with her in EP8 instead of playing with her exposed boobs.) .Redid tons of scene transition in previous episodes for better flow .Removed roll back blocking from alt cam scene from previous episodes subtituting hard pause instead .Alt Cam now work slightly differently. You need to click the flashing button to escape an alt cam scene .Fixed wrong alt cam scene return image in EP3 .Fixed wrong alt cam scene return image in EP9 .Fixed wrong image call at the start of EP10's Luis path. .Revised too fast timing on a few animations .Rebalanced volume levels on some too loud SFX tracks .Fixed script errors introcuded by updating to the latest version of Renpy .Updated to Renpy 8.2.1 Rebalance: .Reduced the points requirement for Emily to feed you in EP3 from >10LP to >9LP This will allow you to pass this check even if you decided to go for the Ashley morning encounter in EP2 As long as you apologize to her during the kitchen fight and don't ogle Emily's breasts after dinner in EP1 and tell her she's cute instead .Reduced the points requirement for Emily to show you her boobs in EP8 from >21CP to >15CP This will make it easier to pass this check if you're on a non optimal CP route with Emily NOTE: You can bypass this check completely by staying with Emily on the train (leaning on her at the end of EP6) on a high LP route
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 259.21 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide



Multi-Mod Installation:

Mod only:
- extract the archive in a temporary folder
- move the extracted files and the folder "scripts" into the "game" folder

Full version:
- extract the archive file and run the game

General advice!
This Mod changes the original game files! Old saves will maybe not work anymore.
Also, saves with my Mod installed will probably not work without my mod afterwards, too.
As this Mod overwrites game files, other Mods/addons may also not work after installing it.

Sorry about that.

Multi-Mod Features:

this Mod adds some enhancements to the game:
- a walkthrough with route recommendations (Emily love/corruption and Ashley route)
- a status screen with the game points
- some cheating functions (changing points, game variables)
- renaming the MC
- scene replay unlock
- a "jukebox"-function to play the game tracks manually
- a function to name your saves
- additional game settings (dialog text size/background/outlines, quick menu)
- Info: you can use also a shortcut to open my Mod menu ("Shift" + "k")

most of these functions are optional and can be turned on/off while playing