Grizzly Grove porn xxx game download cover

Grizzly Grove

Game Description:

Welcome to Grizzly Grove, where everything can happen. From ridiculous and over the top plots, cringy lines and bad english, to maybe find your true love? we’ll see.

You take the role of a 27 years old young man, named as Ryan McBright (name can be customized), who returns to his hometown, Grizzly Grove, a big Coastal city, after a 10 years abscense. 10 years ago you left your family’s house to live with your uncle after a very strong argument with your mother. You lived with him the last 10 years, finishing high school and then working for his business. And you could have your life apart from this city forever….

But you are not the type of guy that runs away. Eventually, you make the decision to come back, and with the help of your uncle, you rent an apartment on Grizzly and try to make your life here. Will you succeed? or will you return to your uncle’s house with your tail between your legs? it’s all up to you.

  • If you downloaded the zip version, just unzip and run the index.html file. It's a browser game, and the one I recommend using is Firefox, but I also tested it in Chrome, Opera, and Edge.
  • It's possible to get the offline version running on android. In order to do so these are the steps:
  • Download Joiplay and Rar (to open .rar files on android) from the play store. They are free.
  • Using your browser of choice, download the latest version of the game on (I used Chrome)
  • Once you download the game, Open the Rar app and open the downloaded .zip file. Extract and take note of the folder you extracted to.
  • Get back to joiplay, click on the "+" icon on the corner of the screen. Give a name to the game and tell it where is the HTML file (is on the folder you extracted in the prior step). Optional: you can find an icon for the game on the media/general folder
  • And that's it, the game can be started on joiplay.
Sex Worker Level 1 Storyline (Part 1: Sub route) This update corresponds to the 0.25 update, the first part of the lvl1 storyline for Ursus. Here, you'll face your fears as you descend deeply into submission, trying to retain your sanity and resist the urge to enslave yourself for good. The submissive test is still going on, your dick is locked and your mind is slowly drifting into a mindless slave. Will you be able to resist and get to your goal, of having Mack as your master? Will Elric manage to enslave you and get you out of his way? we'll see. This update will showcase the final three sub route tasks before locking Mack's romance. Features
  • Updated the list of the Patreons on the Main screen. Thank you for your support, guys.
  • Added four sex scenes of the Mall restroom to the VR Menu. As usual, they must be viewed at least once and unfortunately, are not retroactive, so you'll have to view them one more time for them to unlock.
  • After task 2 on the Sub Path, four more tasks were added:
    • Task 3 - First Part (Sub Path): Blast from the Past: Logan is still unsure of hiring you, so he has a little test first. He and one friend want to have you for a simple sex encounter... with a twist.
    • Task 3 - Second part (Sub Path): Into the wolf's den: After approving you in the last task, Logan waits for you at his house, asking for a fairly vanilla sex encounter. But it will turn into a very complicated mess real soon, with consequences in your mind.
    • Task 4 - The Dungeon Date (Sub Path): The time has come to face Logan on his dungeon, in a special sex battle scene. If you get your submission over 30, you'll get a second saving roll in case you fail any of the rounds.
    • Task 5 - Life or Death (Sub Path): Whoever is behind Logan, kidnaps you. You must survive this encounter in order to start the relationship with your future master, Mack Williams. If you initiate the romance, a new and long scene will start.
  • After the second part of task 3, 's mind is changed. Now he runs the risk of getting himself enslaved if his submission reaches a critical level, and now he'll start to have dreams at night, which gives some boosts to your sex skills (and gets you more submissive randomly). Your attitude cannot grow anymore, but it can go down to slave, and even worse, each time your attitude goes down, your submission rises. Of course, there is a way to keep your submission in control.
  • Another consequence of the Task 3 are two new events that were added when you roam around the map (like the TV show, or the restroom at the park).
    • The Gym Gangbang. Available from 19:00 to 7:00, it will make you the center of a "bonding event" for the clients of the gym. You'll meet a familiar face from JCS, Tom.
    • The Hard Claw Motorcycle Workshop. Available from 7:00 to 19:00, here you will be the star of a BDSM scene where clients and staff will participate. Of course, you will be the one "fixed" here.
  • Also, after you beat task 3, Two new sleepwalking scenes were added. They happen, like the dreams, when you go to sleep. There are two on this update.
    • Return to the dungeon with Max. Remember Max? from the JCS storyline? Here you'll meet a new side of him, and a hot BDSM scene too.
    • Hotel Threesome task. Here you'll meet Miguel, who is about to drop his task with a difficult client. It's up to you help him, or not.
  • Ever wonder what could have happened if you had Logan as a master? Now you can see. A new shorter ending with Logan is available at the dungeon scene. In order to trigger it, you must surrender to him OR lose the sex battle. Unlike other bad endings, this one has a sex scene and it's an ending where you don't die. Other short endings with other characters will be added later.
  • A new random event has been added: The toxic breakup. It's available at any time during day or night. You come across a couple fighting inside the restaurant. You can choose to intervene using your Intelligence, Computer, Muscle or Fighting Skills. If you succeed you'll also gain more skill points towards that skill, and get to choose to talk to any of them. Leo is a bottom, and you'll be the top if choose to go with him to his apartment. Troy is a top, and you'll bottom for him if you choose to go with him. Both of them are very toxic persons, not really dating material, but they are good for sex. The dialogues on this scene changes depending on your attitude, and even if you have unlocked Darius as a Dom.
  • The Save screen has been updated.
    • Now the saves are named as: Name LastName Month Day Hour. This will make easier to locate the save files.
    • The Autosaves are shown as AUTOSAVE Month Day. On the slot 1. Whenever the game autosaves, it will notify the player (usually when you start a new game or change day).
    • The icons here were changed, also a new Export/Import save feature was added.
What's that about? simple, it exports all your saves in the browsers. I tested by exporting my saves on Firefox and importing them to Chrome, and worked perfectly. I do not take credit for this, this is part of a Sugarcube update (The story format I use for the game). All credits to TME for this, the man is a genius.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 418.2 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).