Goo Manji porn xxx game download cover

Goo Manji

Game Description:

You are forced by the school to tutor your bully, your best friend decides to help. Your mom is at home when you arrive and all four of you are sucked into playing this weird game.​

Download and install Base game first

  • Unzip the base game, then unzip any expansion packs you wish to install into the same directory, overwriting the html file then run the HTML file.
Fixed -Mom after following "Snaked Away" after you click "Bimbofy Lena" goes dead. Mom10 is missing from the image pack Fixed-"Anyone Will Do" is listed as inside "imagesUIPerksanyonewilldo.jpg" capitalize the I in images (capitalization matters on linux browsers Fixed-"Undo" image is a gif and should have .gif not .jpg Fixed-On Walktrhough List you have "</td>" between Mimic Mom and Snaked Away(Linux OS issue, should be resolved) Added-Walkthrough for current update path, will be renamed when path ends and then should be continued on the new build path going forward to make finding the content easier. 2 pages of content added to path currently in progress.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.32 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).