Family Affair porn xxx game download cover

Family Affair

Game Description:

The story of the game tells us the life of the Robertson family, in which passion, lies and misunderstanding are intertwined.
The protagonist of the game, a college student, young and lustful, plunges into a quagmire of puberty with accompanying vices.
The main character is destined to meet with many interesting personalities (including hot chicks, where without it), vivid situations and difficult decisions.
Where will the Family Affair take you personally?

Old saves don’t work

  • Extract and run.
  • From incestpatch - Throw in the " game" folder with the replacement. ( Mac - Family_Affair.appContentsResourcesautorungame)
  • Or In the game folder, run the file " love_patch.rpy" and just change False to True.
  • Solutions to launch problems
  • "I was having a mac crash (game crashed without loading) and did some research. The game will launch from the Applications folder or you can use terminal and (in the directory of the game) write:
  • xattr -d "
The new update will let you get a deeper (hehe) insight into the story of our all-time favorite Emma! And for our fans of dominant sausage girls, the story of Natasha and her new friends!
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.22 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide