Didnapper 2 porn xxx game download cover

Didnapper 2

Game Description:

Magical force known as Chroma drives the world,
and Chroma-compatible people called Aions govern the lands as nobles.
On a small fishing island, out in the middle of the seas,
an Aion girl named Seles sees her life changed forever after getting caught up in a dark plot.
Now on the run, she ventures the world’s countries in search of answers,
gathering a following of other girls all setting out for their own reasons.
However, the open roads are a dangerous place indeed for a group of young travellers,
as peril and captivity lurks around every corner…​

  • Extract and run.
  • Added a Close option for escape struggle prompts in the Options menu
  • Added confirmation prompts before entering certain boss battle scenes
  • Added resting spot near the late chapter 15 boss battles
  • Increased the size of the travel map cursor
  • Made it possible to travel to Greywind and Lanylisse directly through the travel map at relevant points in the story
  • Added teleport prompts at certain points of some quests to reduce the need for backtracking
  • Reduced lag during wind puzzles and outside Milaz
  • Made the equipment called Captains somewhat less expensive
  • Made minor changes to the second robot battle in chapter 2
  • Made various lesser touch-ups
Bugs fixed:
  • The Extraasi Honor quest does not actually give the player Kaie’s outfit as a reward and is available too soon
  • The wrong party member is removed during the Extraasi Honor sidequest
  • Winning at Maiden Marathon in Greywind counts as winning it twice
  • Takegawa Village innkeeper is inaccessible or otherwise turns the screen black without fading it back in
  • The wrong item is given to the player in Aden’s house in Lanylisse
  • The wrong item is checked for in the Alber lodge
  • The story crystal is sometimes enabled/disabled when it shouldn’t be
  • The priestess enemy in Malutina has the wrong enemy id
  • Certain equipment items are not available in shops when they should be
  • The Levelade item can only be used on damaged party members
  • The boss from the Gone Fishing quest does not always use the intended skills, and sometimes causes crashes
  • Jinin can be obtained multiple times
  • Seles’ sprite lacks an overlay for her swimwear
  • The wrong character is forced to switch outfit during Dressed for Success
  • Some equipment causes misaligned graphics in the menu, portraits and level up screens
  • Prologue sometimes is present or gone when he shouldn’t be
  • The party is sometimes not loaded back correctly when leaving Bellia during the Forgotten Something quest
  • A carriage blocking an Alverona Castle door doesn’t actually block it
  • Seles gets locked in her party slot during/after the Are You My Mummy quest
  • The head librarian’s tied variant in the enemy menu has the wrong hair color
  • Interrogation HUD meters sometimes appear full when they shouldn’t
  • Various typos, tile glitches and other lesser issues
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.56 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide