Demon Boy porn xxx game download cover

Demon Boy

Game Description:

The game centers around a young boy who’s living together with his “Landlady” in a small apartment. He’s always been somewhat of and outcast, he’s being bullied in school and doesn’t have many friends. Until one day, he stumbles upon a book that changes his life forever. The journey he’s about to embark on is one of sex, love, power and corruption, and definitely not for the light-hearted. It’s up to you, the player, to decide whether you’ll embrace your inner demon or remain true to your human side.​

  • Extract and run.
- Some players were experiencing slow-downs and freezes during playthroughs. This should be fixed now. - Corrected more spelling errors (including the previous Chapters).
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 1.42 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).

Walkthrough and Guide


Multi Mod Installation:

Extract the folder "game" from the mod to your Demon Boy folder

Multi Mod Features:

  • Added a cheats button to top left corner when playing

  • Added a scene gallery to the main menu

  • Added green colored hints during dialogue showing points/scenes


Rollback Fix Installtion:

Put the "unren-rollback.rpy" file in the Game folder so the rollback should work now.

Rollback Fix Features:

use it in other games too if rollback is not the default.