Damsel Quest 3 porn xxx game download cover

Damsel Quest 3

Game Description:

The biggest AzureZero game! The 3rd game in the Damsel Quest series, a bondage fantasy rpg.
Story Princess Ren sets out on a huge adventure to cure the “horny foxgirl” curse ailing her friend Emi with the help of Emi and Ren’s half sister Kiri. Along the way they get into all sorts of sexual escapades fighting slavers, monsters and a cabal of mages all intent on f*cking them silly. How will she and her team fare against sexual harassment? Will they cure Emi? or will they be tied up, stripped, and f*cked as sex slaves?

  • Extract to desired location.
  • Click on "Damsel Quest 3.exe" to install the game.
You trigger it by sleeping at the inn while either emi or kiri are wearing slave outfits. the next day they'll have gone to aya's room for help removing them. Theres a lewd nun in the red light district that can assist you in getting only one character into a slave outfit. Once emi's event is triggered, the next day she'll be watching aya in the strip club in the red light district. (Aya also gets a nice pretty cg) the day after you pick her up from there though, emi herself will be dancing.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 81.43 MB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).