CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck porn xxx game download cover

CUCKOLD SIMULATOR: Life as a Beta Male Cuck

Game Description:

A glimpse into the life of an F95 moderator.​

  • Extract and run.
New Content The artistic works of Hunter Bedin, popular artist and drug-using son of President Bedin, are now on display at Art Gallery! Third part of Wayne's story arc has been added. Second part of Christopher's story arc has been added. Second part of Jack Goldman's story arc has been added. New shop available in Chinatown: Fashion Show Crafting system is now functional. Items can be crafted at the workbench in Wayne's area. New crafting related items added: Clear Acryllic, Black Dye, Red Dye, Filament. One new Funky Pop added. New achievements added: Art Connoisseur, The "Other" Plane, Red Rocket "With great power comes great responsibility" Moderator God mode. Bug Fixes/Miscellaneous Video presets optimized. Recommended Bad or below for <6GB video RAM, Good or above for >6GB. Will now automatically reduce quality on first load-up if VRAM is low. Added 'guidance mail' if Wayne hasn't been interacted with by day 30. OSKARS dialog option no longer appears on DeShawn before the event has been seen. Known Issues Literally none the game is perfect.
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.61 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).