Concert Girls porn xxx game download cover

Concert Girls

Game Description:

In “Concert Girls,” you play as a rookie manager running an agency dedicated to nurturing aspiring idols. This school specializes in training performers in drama, singing, and agent skills, covering all aspects from front to back stage. Your ultimate goal is to help these girls achieve their dreams of becoming stars while growing your agency.

  • Extract and run.
EP3 Update Log Renderings: 1,600+ Text: 2,000+ Animations: 20+ New Features: 1. Added various mini-games 2. Updated map content 3. Item, backpack, and money systems 4. Training system: now you can train with the heroines 5. Added <b>Encyclopedia (Search Engine)</b>: check your computer in your room 6. Dialogue system: now you can chat with the heroines and <color=#FF1493>improve their mood</color> 7. Added various maps Other Fixes Updated main screen UI Optimized video player
  • Dual Core Pentium or equivalent Processor.
  • Intel HD 2000 or equivalent Graphics.
  • 2.47 GB of free disk space (Recommended to have twice as much free disk space than this).